Turn Your Job Search Journey into Success Jobbly - an Open AI tool making job application process easier Add to Chrome
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Jobbly's AI features will help you master the recruitment process

Jobbly uses OpenAI to tailor your resume to the job description, ensuring alignment and making it stand out to recruiters.
Jobbly reads through every job description and uses OpenAI to extract relevant job skills that you will need in your resume or cover letter.
Track job applications on Jobbly's live dashboard. Monitor application status and skillset trends for successful applications.

Add Jobbly as an extension to Chrome

Browse LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor jobs, let Jobbly magically discover keywords relevant to your job search, and assist in managing job applications.


5 Steps to start using Jobbly

Add Jobbly extension to Chrome

Quickly add Jobbly to Chrome and let Open AI do it magic on your job search

Sign up on Jobbly and add resume

Sign up using your google account and once you are logged in upload your resume so that Jobbly can extract its contents.

Open LinkedIn or Indeed and start your job search

Open LinkedIn or Indeed and start your job search. Click on the Job to see the job description and Jobbly will automatically extract skills, visa sponsorship, years of experience, salary expectation and allow you to make your decision.

Apply for the job and tailor your resume with Jobbly through the skillset extracted

If you decide to apply the Job via LinkedIn or Indeed, save the job on Jobbly then click on apply now. Jobbly will help you to tailor your resume according to extracted keywords with one click per paragraph. You can modify the suggested edits.

Track your job application through Jobbly live dashboard

Track your job applications through Jobbly dashboard giving you access to most search skills by you and successful / unsuccessful job application.

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